Somewhere within us all there is a secret garden. A garden in which we can seek refuge when times are rough, or retire to in joy or contemplation. For years I have visited my own secret garden in search of organic harmony and melody. The songs on this CD are some of what I've found. In 1994 I met an artist who through the soulful simplicity of her instrument gave my songs a voice. She is the famed Irish violinist Fionnuala Sherry. Together we have tended the secret garden - and the crop is here for your picking. It is my sincere wish that by uncovering some of our secrets, you will pay a visit to your own garden.
我们每个人的内心深处都有一个神秘的花园。时世艰难,但我们却可以在花园里得到蔚藉和欢乐,并且静静地思考。 几年来,我已经找到了我的神秘园,它是那么和谐与悦耳。您听到的歌声就是我所找到的。1994年,我遇到了一位爱乐兰艺术家,她用热情朴素的艺术风格赋予了我的音乐以生命。她就是著名的爱乐兰小提琴家Fionnuala Sherry.我们一起照看我们的神秘花园,我们的成果就是您所听到的。 我真诚地祝愿您,在发现我们的秘密后,能到达属于自己的神秘花园。 —— Rolf Lovland
Secret Garden
Songs From A Secret Garden
1996 Polygram/Philips 314 528 230-2